World Naked Bike Ride: Cyclists stumble upon themselves on porn site

A 'cohort of sad individuals' took footage of nude cyclists cycling through Brighton and released it to the xHamster porn site. This is what happened.

'As bare as you dare'
© Scott Barbour
'As bare as you dare'

'As bare as you dare' is the motto of the world's biggest nude protest by cyclists in cities around the globe. The bike riding campaign against 'car culture' called, 'The World Naked Bike Ride' started over 10 years back and has garnered universal support toutilise biodegradable energyinstead of depleting non-renewable ones.

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Sadly, footage surfaced of a few naked bikers riding around Brighton, East Sussex, which has been viewed over a thousand times on the 'xHamster' porn website. 

'As bare as you dare' gets 'disturbing'

'All are welcome! From the shy to the bold,' the bike riding campaigns declare. The sheer objective of the naked bike ride was to capture the movement which 'is happy, with videos of the rides being used to publicise them.'

An organiser at one of these cycling events explained:

Every year in cities around the world, people ride bikes naked to celebrate cycling and the human body.

But a 5-minute video, which appears to zoom in on a number of women from the protest,was uploaded under the name of 'WNBR Brighton 2019' on the porn site xHamster.According to another event co-organiser Steve Sims, the fact that some individuals continue to seek sexual enjoyment frombikers is 'disturbing.'

Sims expressed:

It is a continuous concern that there is a cohort of sad individuals who are unable to accept nudity without seeing it as an opportunity to aggrandise themselves among their equally sad associates by assigning sexual import to anyone without clothes.

Sims added:

They take photographs with the aim of either viewing them in private to achieve their own gratification or publishing them (without permission) where others may.

Zero emission by cycles

'Cohort of sad individuals' captured naked cyclists and uploaded video on porn site Martin Magnemyr

Cycling is biodegradable energy, which means there will be 'zero emissions.' It is thus, unethical to glorify such a happy occasion in the most inappropriate manner on a porn website.

Sims confirmed that although the law in the UK allows the photography of anyone in a public place, there is a 'fine line between taking pictures with the assistance of the subject, and the capture of images in a clandestine way.'

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