Check Out This 30-Minute Workout That Needs No Equipment And Burns A Lot Of Fat!

If you don’t have lots of time to dedicate to your body this summer, but you still want to reach your weight-loss goals, this circuit is for you.

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The season of barbecues and cocktails just so happens to also be the season when we show off our bodies on the beach. It’s unfortunate, but that’s the way it is. But if you don’t have lots of time to work out, there are weight-training programs specially designed to burn as much fat as possible in a short amount of time.

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Here is a workable program that lasts just 30 minutes and is made up of 3 circuits of 3 exercises:

Circuit 1: 10 squats – 10 push ups – 15 jumping jacks

Circuit 2: as many pull ups as you can do – 10 jump squats

Circuit 3: 10 meters bear crawl – 10 meters crab walk – 10 burpees

Each circuit has to be repeated four times, with a maximum of 90 seconds rest between each circuit. This program is designed to be intense, so feel free to do the exercises in each circuit as quickly as possible.

Check out the video above to see how to perform the exercises!

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