This Bodybuilder Tried the US Marine Fitness Test and Almost Passed Out (VIDEO)

Aseel Soueid is a famous YouTuber who posts fitness and training videos. Recently, he decided to take on a new challenge–completing the US Marine Corps Physical Fitness Yest without training. Watch the video above to see how he did!

This Bodybuilder Tried the US Marine Fitness Test and Almost Passed Out (VIDEO)
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This Bodybuilder Tried the US Marine Fitness Test and Almost Passed Out (VIDEO)

The 24-year-old has Type 1 diabetes and Celiac disease. His motto is ‘No matter what conditions or circumstances you face, never let it hold you back.’ Soueid is a fitness model, online trainer and vlogger.

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To entertain his fans, Soueid decided to film himself completing the challenge. Below, a break down of what the US Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test consists of.

3 physical exercises

Pull ups

Contenders must do a minimum of5 pulls ups to pass the test and a maximum of 25 to get a perfect score.


The second part of the test consists of doing crunches. But these aren’t just regular crunches, the lower back has to touch the floor and hands must be clasped on the upper arm between the elbow and shoulder. Contenders must complete a minimum 70 crunches and 110 crunches maximum to get the most points. After completing this part, Soueid admits that, ‘That was a lot harder than expected.’

3-mile run

This is the last and final test. Contenders must complete a 3-mile run in 27 minutes in order to pass and in 18 minutes to get a perfect score.

So, where do you rank yourself? Do you think you could pass the US Marine Corps Physical Fitness Test?

Watch the complete video above to see Aseel Soueid in action and to see how he did!

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