R. Kelly trial: Another witness confirms the R&B star gave her an incurable STD

In the latest court hearing, a witness revealed that the R&B singer refused to wear a condom and infected her with herpes during their relationship.

R kelly trial day 10
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R kelly trial day 10

Yet another witness has taken the stand to confirm that Kelly did have an incurable STD, which he then passed on to several women without their knowledge. The woman, who goes by 'Faith,’ returned to the stand after her testimony on Tuesday, in which she unveiled that Kelly demanded sex with her and didn’t use a condom.

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Unprotected sex

In Wednesday’s hearing, Faith went into more detail about their short relationship and described instances of forced sex and intimidation using a gun. She also revealed that Kelly gave her type-1 herpes after refusing to wear a condom during intercourse. She recounted a conversation they had the very first time they had sex and said:

I said, ‘Are you going to use a condom?’
He said, ‘We don’t need a condom.’

The two ended their 11-month relationship in 2018 and a few weeks later she began developing bumps on her mouth. She was then diagnosed with type-1 herpes—an incurable sexually transmitted disease. The woman said:

I was in shock.

Denial, denial, denial

According to a report by the New York Times, the witness had attempted to contact the singer on multiple occasions regarding her diagnosis, but he never responded. She said:

I really just wanted him to maybe give me answers—or just acknowledge that he did it.
I knew it was him.

When she finally got him on a call after contacting a lawyer, the singer refused to address it on the telephone. She continued:

He said, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if I did know what you’re talking about, we’re not going to talk about it over the phone.’

Faith is the sixth witness to testify against Kelly and the third to say that he did have herpes. The first was Jerhonda Pace who also contracted the disease from him in 2009, and the second was Kelly’s doctor who revealed that he was in fact receiving treatment for herpes.

R. Kelly trial: Physician confirms singer has been receiving STD treatment for decades R. Kelly trial: Physician confirms singer has been receiving STD treatment for decades