R. Kelly trial: Singer forced all his victims to write letters denying they were sexually abused

One of Kelly's accusers who took the witness stand yesterday has now revealed that she and many others were forced to write letters denying any form of abuse.

R. Kelly trial: Singer forced all his victims to write letters denying they were sexually abused
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R. Kelly trial: Singer forced all his victims to write letters denying they were sexually abused

R. Kelly's ongoing sex abuse trial has come out with even more chilling accounts of the mistreatment he subjected his many victims to.

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Forced to lie

As reported yesterday, 25 August, the accuser—Jane Doe no. 5—has revealed shocking information regarding her near-six year relationship with the singer. According to reports, not only did he force her to have an abortion, but now the victim has alleged that Kelly forced all of his 'girlfriends' to write detailed letters denying all sex abuse accusations. Assistant U.S. Attorney, Maria Cruz Melendez, explains that:

As insurance and a way to make sure these women wouldn't talk, [Kelly] created and collected collateral. He made them create embarrassing videos and false letters. He kept [the letters] in his back pocket in case anyone tried to accuse him of anything.

The woman read out loud excerpts of the letters she was instructed to write by her abuser. One of them read:

I decided I would spank myself really hard until I had bruises. If you don't bring me back that d**k then I'm going to say you raped me. I'm going to say you raped me since I was a minor. I'll tell everyone you hit me.

Sexual and physical abuse

Jane also said how, throughout their relationship, she was physically abused in punishments that he would call 'chastisings' whenever she derailed from what he wanted her to do. This was also the case for several other girls he was abusing at the same time, as she explains:

The defendant would have other girlfriends make me write these letters. He said they would go to his attorneys and they'd never see the light of day.
R. Kelly trial: Singer will not be defending himself against sex abuse accusations R. Kelly trial: Singer will not be defending himself against sex abuse accusations