20 Year Old Makes Incredible 2 Year Body Transformation After Changing These Two Things

In less than 2 years, this young woman made an incredible transformation through 2 really simple tricks. Watch our video and see how!

20 Year Old Makes Incredible 2 Year Body Transformation After Changing These Two Things
20 Year Old Makes Incredible 2 Year Body Transformation After Changing These Two Things

It was time for a change. This was the thought of one young Imgur user. She shared her experience on the net, publishing photos of her impressive physical transformation between November 2015 and July 2017.

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At the age of 20, this girl weighed over 10 stone. Her goal? To lose weight. Evidently to achieve this she had to change her diet radically. Instead of resorting to snacks and junk food when she was hungry, she just ate fruit. She also made sure that every single one of her meals contained a lot more protein.

But as important as a healthy diet is, she didn’t just stop there. Whereas before she would often take the bus to get to places, she would simply walk instead. As well as that, she increased her fitness exercise. More precisely, she would try to exercise 4-5 times a week. As a result, she managed to lose more than 2 stone. And what a transformation! As she describes, ‘the best decision of her life’.

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