Fancy Dropping Everything To Become A Robot Baby-Sitter?

The number of jobs surrounding robotics has been growing every year.

Fancy Dropping Everything To Become A Robot Baby-Sitter?
Fancy Dropping Everything To Become A Robot Baby-Sitter?

Are you fed up with your boss? Why not totally change lanes and become, a robot babysitter! The idea may seem far-fetched, but this profession with diverse applications has grown over the past few years.

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In most cases, the job consists of mainly responding to the growing automation of tasks in companies, and ensuring that the many service robots that have been put in place fulfill their responsibilities effectively. In an article published on the website of The Atlantic and shared again by Slate, journalist Zara Stone told Canon Reeves’ story, a young American student who spent her winter ‘watching over’ an Amazon delivery robot, who she was supposed to supervise daily, adjust its settings, put it to sleep if needed, and handle the many requests for selfies from customers who were just as surprised as amused.

Job which has tripled since 2016

Being a nanny for automated machines is also very popular in companies that are working on self-driving cars. Cruise Automation, for example, is currently looking for ‘people capable of driving a car or sitting for 6 to 8 hours a day,’ for work that is paid between £12 and £18 a day. And this type of work has tripled between 2016 and 2018.

The robotic baby-sitting industry has a bright future in front of it. At least until 2030, by which time between 20 and 50 million jobs should be available in this sector. Many companies are already working to make their businesses ‘100% robotic’ to avoid having to pay ‘nannies,’ making the sustainability of this business very uncertain. However due to several incidents, including a fatal accident involving a self-driving Uber in the United States last March, tend to prove that robots will still need humans for a long time…

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