Jason Momoa Is After Another Superhero Role - This Time In The Marvel Universe...

After bursting the screen in the Game of Thrones series and wearing the scales of Aquaman at DC, Jason Momoa does not hide his ambitions to embody another superhero, this time from the Marvel universe. Indeed, our favorite bearded hunk wants to take over from Hugh Jackman in the role of Wolverine!

Jason Momoa Is After Another Superhero Role - This Time In The Marvel Universe...
Jason Momoa Is After Another Superhero Role - This Time In The Marvel Universe...

At the Celebrity Fan Fest in San Francisco, Jason Momoa revealed his ambitions for the future of his career. The Goliath is interested in the role of Wolverine, played till now by Hugh Jackman in the latest productions of Marvel.

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There is little chance, however, that Jason's dream comes true because of his involvement with DC Comics, Marvel's eternal rival. Indeed, a second film Aquaman is announced for 2022 and it is doubtful that Marvel takes one of the most prominent figures of DC to embody one of their own heroes.

Until that happens, we would like to see Jason Momoa in a more traditional role to see what he's really worth as an actor.

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