Study reveals sexual intercourse could be the cure to hay fever

According to a new study, having sexual intercourse could be the cure to one of the most common forms of allergies in the UK.

Getting it on could be the cure to hay fever
© unsplash
Getting it on could be the cure to hay fever

Every year, one in four people in the UK is affected by hay fever. Approximately nine out of 10 people affected by one of the most frustrating allergies in the world are triggered by both tree and grass pollen.

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So, for those out there suffering from hay fever, you might want to pay careful attention to this potentially life-changing revelation.

A wank a day will keep the hay fever away

According to Iranian scientists from Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, there is a link between the reproductive and nasal systems. Their research found that when engaging in a sexual encounter, blood vessels in the nose and eyes become constricted, causing one's nose to unblock and their eyes to stop watering.

The study, which was published in the medical journal Medical Hypotheses, also found that the relief that was experienced when having sex was specifically linked to the moment in which men ejaculated. So, sorry ladies, but this might not exactly be the solution for you...

One of the neurologists behind the research, Sina Zarrintan, explained that it could be the best solution to hay fever for those on a tight budget or those looking for natural alternatives (not to mention a very pleasurable way) to over-the-counter medication. He said:

It can be done from time to time to alleviate the congestion and the patient can adjust the number of intercourses depending on the severity of the symptoms.

And the best news about all of this is that you don't even need a partner to benefit from sex as an alleviating method to hay fever. That's right, your hand will do just fine!

Some more traditional methods...

However, here at Gentside, we tend to want to be mindful and include everyone into the conversation. According to Dr Michael Benninger—an ear, nose, and throat otolaryngologist—there are some more traditional ways of treating the allergy. He said:

I usually recommend beginning allergy treatment with non-sedating antihistamines or an intranasal steroid two to three weeks before their prime allergy season.

And added:

The earlier that allergies are treated, the less difficulty people will have during the allergy season.
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