Portugal has been removed from green-listen countries Brits can travel to

Following today's review, Portugal is set to be taken of the UK's list of quarantine-free countries to travel to with more being added to its red list.

Portugal has been removed from green-listen countries Brits can travel to
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Portugal has been removed from green-listen countries Brits can travel to

Ministers have decided not to add any new countries to the UK's green list of traveling destinations that don't require any form of self-isolation upon returning back.

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Updated green list

To make matters worse for those hoping to go on holidays, Portugal—the only major touristic destination that is most feasible for Brits to travel to—has been removed from the UK's green list after today's review.

The decision to remove Portugal has come after a concerning rise in new daily infection rates has been observed over the last week. This means that for those who are already in Portugal, as is the case for the hundreds who went to Porto to attend the Champions League final, will have to self isolate for 10 days once back in the UK on top of paying for pricey PCR tests.

More destinations to be added the red list

PM Boris Johnson also hinted at potentially having to add more countries into the red list, which would require people traveling to those countries to have to quarantine-hotel on their way back home. These could include, Bahrain, Costa Rica and certain parts of Asia in which cases have seen a considerably increase.

And if that wasn't enough bad news for travellers, the EU has delayed, once more, their response as to whether or not the UK would be added to their white list of places EU members can leisurely travel to.

Despite the major blow this will be on the already bleeding travel industry and for those who booked their vacations preemptively, Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes that what matters most is keeping the country safe. In a statement, he explained that:

We have got to follow the data and of course, I understand why people want to travel but we've got to make sure we keep this country safe, especially because the vaccine programme is going so well.

And added:

We have seen hospitalisations and deaths come right down and we have to got to protect the progress we have made here at home, whilst allowing for travel where it is safe.
Which green and amber-list countries can we actually travel to? Which green and amber-list countries can we actually travel to?