Going to bed at this hour can reduce heart disease, study finds

A new study conducted by the University of Exeter has found that people who go to sleep past midnight have an increased chance of suffering from heart disease.

Going to bed at this hour can reduce heart disease, study finds
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Going to bed at this hour can reduce heart disease, study finds

Scientists have found that the perfect time to go to bed to ensure your heart remains in top shape is between 10 and 11 pm. The study conducted looked into the sleeping habits of 88,000 Brits between the ages of 43 and 74 over a five year span.

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Reduced risk of heart disease by 25%

As it turns out, their research showed that those who slept at this specific time slashed their risk of having heart attacks and strokes, particularly in the case of women, by up to 25%. This is primarily due to the fact that those who sleep later are less likely to see the morning light which ultimately disrupts one's circadian rhythm, according to experts involved in the study.

Sleeping too early is also bad

Interestingly, the study also found that those who went to sleep too early—before 10pm—were linked with higher chances (24%) of developing cardiovascular diseases. For participants of the study who went to bed between 11pm and midnight, data found that they had 12% more chances of strokes and heart attacks. Lead author of the research Dr David Plans explained that:

The body has a 24-hour internal clock, called circadian rhythm, that helps regulate physical and mental functioning. The results suggest that early or late bedtimes may be more likely to disrupt the body clock, with adverse consequences for cardiovascular health.

And added:

Our study indicates that the optimum time to go to sleep is at a specific point in the body’s 24-hour cycle and deviations may be detrimental to health. The riskiest time was after midnight, potentially because it may reduce the likelihood of seeing morning light, which resets the body clock.
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