8 steps to eating healthy without dieting

Restricting food has been proven not the best ways to stay healthy over time.

8 steps to eating healthy without dieting
© getty
8 steps to eating healthy without dieting

We often think that to get the body we want or to live healthier, we have to diet. But the truth is that with a healthy lifestyle and eating right, you can stay at your ideal weight without the need to restrict calories or count fat grams.

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You can't live on a diet

There are no miracle foods or diets. Period. Although diets, when designed and controlled by doctors, are very effective for weight loss, they should be carried out at specific moments in our lives. You can't live on a diet. It's all about finding the right balance that will fit your lifestyle and needs. Of course, we can't expect to eat everything we like, anytime we like.

Instead, the key lies in learning to eat healthily, a resolution that is easy to pronounce but not so easy to carry out. That's why one of our goals for the new year is to forge healthy eating habits that will make us healthier and help us control our weight.

Simple gestures such as bringing forward mealtimes can ensure a healthy and balanced diet that guarantees you maintain your ideal weight. Eat five meals a day; have dinner two hours before going to bed; eat fruits between meals, or learn to distribute the recommended daily calories throughout the day.

8 steps to a more healthy lifestyle

According to some nutritionists, there are some tips on how to live a healthy day-to-day life without diet products. Here are tips that will put you on the right track.

1. Eat breakfast every day, as it is essential for you to start the day with energy.

2. Divide your total daily diet into four meals plus a mid-morning snack. Ideally, do not allow more than four hours to pass between each meal, to avoid prolonged fasting.

3. Increase consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. Opt for those that are in season, as the taste will be much fresher.

4. When it comes to cooking, prefer steamed, baked, grilled or wrapped in foil in the oven. Also, use non-stick pans to minimise oil consumption.

5. Eat beans at least twice a week, either in stews or salads. But be careful, the portion should not exceed 1 cup and at lunchtime.

6. When preparing soups or broths, leave them in the refrigerator for a few hours before eating them, so that the fat solidifies and can be skimmed off with a skimmer.

7. Choose healthy snacks, such as nuts, but in a controlled way. You can also opt for dried fruit, such as apple chips.

8. Get into the habit of drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach every day when you wake up. It is also recommended that you drink at least two litres of water throughout the day.

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