NY fishermen receive surprise of a lifetime after shark is trapped on their boat

The animal really did not seem to be in a good mood. Check out the video above to see why.

NY fishermen receive surprise of a lifetime after shark is trapped on their boat
© unsplash/Arif @aerial_mv
NY fishermen receive surprise of a lifetime after shark is trapped on their boat

Just off of Long Island in New York,a gigantic mako shark did not hesitate to invite himself onto a charter fishing boat right in front of the amused and astonished crew.

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A ticked off stowaway

The animal was trapped by the guardrail located at the front of the boat with blood flowing from its mouth due to trying to bite through the guard rail, unable to get back to the sea under his own power.

According to the Sharks World website, mako sharks are 'considered an animal dangerous to humans because of the speed with which they can attack and its ability to jump into fishing boats.'

Slow motion video of a mako shark.

More fear than harm, thankfully

Panicked, the shark struggled for several seconds before the crew finally finds a way to safely return the predator to its natural habitat. But the arrival of this surprise guest will definitely have left its mark, given the worse-for-wear condition of Captain Don Law's Outlaw Fishing Charters boat.

Having a shark on your ship can be terrifying, luckily the crew weren't too shaken - and were even able to joke about it. ‘We’re going to need a bigger boat,’ the captain laughed following the incident. Even in the face of danger,he managed to get out a Jaws reference—truly a man of culture.

Check out the video to see the entire event unfold!

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