These Are Some Of The World's Weirdest Methods Of Getting Around

Are you used to taking buses, taxis, trains and other means of transport? There are actually many more that are quite odd, here is our top 5!

These Are Some Of The World's Weirdest Methods Of Getting Around
These Are Some Of The World's Weirdest Methods Of Getting Around

Bynativ, a community of local travel agencies around the world has compiled its list of the world's most unusual means of transportation. From jeepneys to bamboo trains, a change of scenery is guaranteed:

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- In fifth place, a classic. When you hear San Francisco, you automatically think of the cable car, this train from another time that goes up and down the steep slopes of the city. The latter is an integral part of the heritage of San Francisco and is part of the collective imagination, as illustrated by photography and the cinema. This is an unmissable and authentic means of public transport.

- In fourth place, the famous jeepneys of the Philippines. In the aftermath of the Second World War, the US - which had occupied the territory militarily - left leaving behind their jeeps. Abandoned, they found a second life, becoming public transport. Used as buses, the jeepneys are an impressive means of public transport, painted with garish colours and multiple decorations. If you go to the Philippines, you won’t be able to miss them!

- In third position, totora boats in Peru. Along Lake Titicaca, on the Bolivian border, the Indian communities of Aymaras and Uros use the totora, a plant cousin of the reed which can grow up to 10 feet high, to build their boats. Very reliable, the totora is very resistant to water and very strong when it is braided.

- In second place, the bamboo train in Cambodia. A few miles from the town of Battambang, railroad rails seem to be deserted. Yet, stations scattered everywhere testify to their activity. Indeed, you can see bamboo cars passing by, propelled by a boat motor. This means of transport was used to take workers to damaged sections of rail to repair them. Today, the ‘bamboo train’ is more a touristy activity, and travellers agree that the experience is worth the effort.

- And the gold medal goes to the Hong Kong escalators. Yes, they are public transport, allowing residents to move from one building to another without putting a foot on the ground. There, it is not uncommon to find that the streets are lined with walkways and escalators to facilitate the movement of the locals. The centre of the island is partly covered by mountains, and these funny means of transport are very useful to climb the slopes without expending any energy (but careful if they break down!). The longest of them is 2600 feet long!

Check out the video above to see these in action!

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