Facebook Is Introducing A New Tool To Fight Spoilers

Spoilers are the worst thing that can happen to series fans. They're everywhere on social networks. Luckily, Facebook has found a way to fight spoilers.

Facebook Is Introducing A New Tool To Fight Spoilers
Facebook Is Introducing A New Tool To Fight Spoilers

Who hasn't been spoiled on Facebook? It's so annoying especially when it comes to our favorite series. To overcome this, Facebook has decided to release a very interesting feature.

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The end of spoilers

Facebook has launched a new system that allows users to block certain keywords. Available for a limited number of users for the moment, the 'Keyword Snooze' can be a radical solution to avoid spoilers. Thanks to this system, you will be able to block words for a period of thirty days. That way, any posts or comments containing the words you have censored will be invisible to you. This could also be ideal for avoiding the results of the matches at this World Cup.

Whilst it's being marketed as an anti-spoiler tool, this new feature could also be very handy for censoring some rude words or inappropriate content for children.

So how does the 'Keyword Snooze' work? Simply click on the three points at the top right of the publications. You will only have to add the words you want to block. Then, for a month, posts containing these banned words, whether they come from your friends, pages or Facebook groups, will be invisible to you.

Whilst this is revolutionary for Facebook, this feature has already been available for a long time on its competitors Instagram and Twitter. It is also hoped that this new system will be free.

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