French Weightlifter’s Arm Snaps in the Middle of a Competition (VIDEO)

Weightlifter Gaelle Nayo-Ketchanka was seriously injured during the European Weightlifting Championships in Batumi, Georgia.

European Weightlifting Championships
© European Weightlifting Championships
European Weightlifting Championships

Gaelle Nayo-Ketchanka's weightlifting accident

Here is a clip you won’t want to watch over and over again. Gaelle Nayo-Ketchanka (31), seriously injured her arm on her third attempt at the European Weightlifting Championships in 2019. The under 76 kg athlete had tried to lift a 107 kg barbell.

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Disastrous consequences

Unfortunately, her arm snapped because of the weight, which caused the room to go silent, leaving only the Frenchwoman’s cries of pain. She was then quickly transferred to the hospital. Gaelle Nayo-Ketchanka had suffered a double fracture of the arm, and a dislocation of the elbow. A dreadful accident, which unfortunately sometimes happens in professional sports.

No Olympic games

Before they were postponed to 2021, the French woman's chances of going to the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo were almost nil. However, the Cameroonian-born athlete has stayed positive and posts updates on her Instagram account. She wrote on her page:

I have received a lot of messages of support that have warmed my heart and we are waiting for my return to France for further tests.

Hopefully, her recovery will be as quick as possible.

This Weightlifter's Arm Shattered In The Middle Of A Competition This Weightlifter's Arm Shattered In The Middle Of A Competition