Watch This Man Take Ab Wheel Rollouts To The Next Level

For those who are bored with ab wheel rollouts, here’s how to take them to the next level.

Watch This Man Take Ab Wheel Rollouts To The Next Level
Watch This Man Take Ab Wheel Rollouts To The Next Level

There are those who exercise in the traditional way, and then there are those whoa are always trying to push it, sometimes a bit too far.

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This guy achieved a dizzying feat by doing abdominal wheel rollouts with his feet raised. You can see he’s mastered the descent quite well, although the ascent seems a bit more complicated. This guy even crosses his hands on the wheel in order to show us how strong his abs really are.

We’re not convinced however that working out with this method is that good for the body. Even though he is putting all his focus on the abs, the back seems to have quite a bit of stress put on it, as can be seen by the jolting motion as he goes back up. We don’t recommend you do this at home, especially since the risk of falls is quite high.

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